Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Up in cigar smoke.


Now, of course it's not as bad as that. Most of my friends and readers are from the Bucks. But hey, any chance to make Donnie appear in a puff of smoke, I'll take it.

Meanwhile, I believe Workhorse Kings are playing a show next Thursday at the Elbo Room. Can I get some people to come out and hang with us?

And also, I'm teaching a comics class tonight in Lockport. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Beardo continues to rock! Work friends, while temporary, fill a key role in day to day survival. Band of Brothers if you will.

    American flys direct Chicago to Brussels - home of Tin Tin ( I'm pretty sure you can write it off as research seeing as you are now teaching Dr. Dan.

    cousin Jason
